Spode Works
This is a Homes England Partnership site.
The redevelopment of the historic Spode Works in Stoke town has been underway for a number of years with Stoke-on-Trent City Council leveraging different funding sources. This has enabled the establishment of a hotel and eatery, creative artists studios in partnership with ACAVA and currently delivering a ‘Gaming Hub’ with Staffordshire University and private sector digital companies as part of the ‘Silicon Stoke’ programme. Stoke town is also a High Street Heritage Action Zone, with Spode Works providing anchorage to the high street to offer alternative uses and become a stronger destination driver.
This development is a quality conversion of a much-loved heritage asset to the north of the site, into a range of affordable homes and additional creative commercial spaces which adds to the ‘mix’ in developing an environment for live, work and play.
• Planning Approval – September 2023
• Main Works – December 2023 to June 2025
Development mix
• 116 residential units
• 7,040 sqft commercial space
• 1,820 sqft community space
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